Saturday, July 2, 2011

How I came to meet Magic - the Charmed One

I now own two horses... each different and each one is very special. No one should own more than one horse, but as it turned out, I have already violated the cardinal rule with the full support of my husband Steve.

A few year back, I was smitten with the most beautiful PRE Andalusian in Los before too long, he was on a ride to Kansas. Poor boy, who knows what he expected?  PRE Bendito III is charming and delightful, but he is also a high performance horse that requires a more experienced rider.  His needs were most important to me, and reconciling that I wanted him to be happy and utilized for his talent, I made a very difficult decision to send him off to my accomplished equestrienne friend Katie... she recommended training in Los Angeles with Swea Schoening.. so after much deliberation, off he went back to the sunshine, green grass and lovely hills of Somis, California to Tom Grether Farm.

Disappointed with some of the prospects I checked out in Los Angeles, Katie recommended that I find myself a trail horse that could be a companion, have fun with, and not worry about my safety. At my age, bones tend to break...and my interest was a cool, calm and collected, friendly, loving perfect horse... however, those a few and far between.. so I set off on my Quest. I went to all the horse sites listing Kansas cool, calm, collected, friendly horses.. but I didn't find anything perfect... Attracted to the flashy Tobiano coloring, I decided that would be my goal.

The first email I sent out was to our family member, John Foulston who owns Triple Creek Farm. I moaned how I was without a horse, and did he know of something really special to fit my needs, and while difficult to find, it would be even more perfect if it was a Tobiano.

That evening, I popped open my email and was faced with three photos of the most beautiful Tobiano. It was "Magic"... except it was spelled Majyck of Triple Creek... It didn't take me long to drive out to the ranch and find this magic horse... What possibilities.. the most beautiful coat, mane and tail... Imagine what I can do with those features...

Magic is the son of Calypso, a very flashy National Show horse and an Arabian Mom. Magic is triple registered as a National Show Horse, Arabian and Paint horse.  John and I rode all around his ranch, and Magic was delightful.. OMG... he knows how to stop... that would be a first for me.. and he has a great trot movement and a powerful canter... now smitten. His only vice is he's a little mouthy... he likes to snuggle up next to you and have some "face time". He's also a ham for photos, and has a very cute personality. I am taking you home with me, that is if John can part with his treasure that he foaled, imprinted, trained and has loved for 11 years.. It was also hard on his granddaughters, and Peggy had to break the news that Magic was leaving for a new home, at least for the summer.. The girls are always welcome to come and see him and catch a ride...

Magic was delivered to me a week after we met and on Thursday night, June 30th,  the adventure began. There is a certain adjustment period for Magic. Imagine after 11 years of living in a verdant valley of three creeks, row on row of lush walnut trees, rivers to cross and lots of trails... Magic was going to a barn where a simple 12x12 stall awaited him.

I can just imagine Magic's  horror at watching John's rig pull away. He was left behind. None of his companions were there to greet him, no field of green to loll around in and certainly, very cramped accommodations...That evening, despite handfuls of lovely alfalfa for a treat, Magic seemed unhappy and I was helpless to understand what I could do to make things better for him.

The story continues...

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